SOLD [Free. NW Sydney] Three 1-man nylon rafts.

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SOLD [Free. NW Sydney] Three 1-man nylon rafts.

Postby Wollemi » Fri 08 Apr, 2022 8:27 am

SOLD. [Free. NW Sydney]

Three one-man nylon rafts with small footpump. SOLD 20220409

Please be aware that these take almost 10 minutes each to inflate, and 10 minutes each to deflate.
You should wear a lifejacket when using these.

These should not be - and are not to be - dumped on a river, a riverbank or any other watercourse.

I also have lifejackets and a double-bladed paddle for sale. Please enquire. ... 1292836025
Live everyday as if it were your last... one day you will be right.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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