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[WTB] [VIC] Kahtoola Microspikes Size M

PostPosted: Mon 19 Aug, 2013 8:49 pm
by emstr23

If anyone has some of these lying around I'd love to take them off your hands (or even figure out some kind of rental arrangement for two weeks in September).

Planning an Overland trip and I suspect they'd come very much in handy...on my feet that is :P

Re: [WTB] [VIC] Kahtoola Microspikes Size M

PostPosted: Mon 19 Aug, 2013 11:21 pm
by icefest
If you buy them in the US they'll cost around the same as in Bogong.
$59 + $20 shipping + $10 exchange rate = AUD89 ... pikes.html

I hope you are successful getting a second hand pair!