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[WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 10:24 am
by tasadam

Does anyone have any nice photos of Bruny Island that they can share?
I have a friend who would like to get a printed image of Bruny Island, but I have nothing suitable.

A small remuneration should be possible if the image is suitable for printing.
Either PM me or email, tasadam at gmail dot com

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 12:25 pm
by tasadam
I should add, the request was for a wilderness photograph featuring some aspect of Bruny Island, that is of suitable resolution and quality that allows for it to be printed large.

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 3:50 pm
by bohwaz
I've got some here: ... uny_Island

That's not the best you might get but maybe you'll find something. I upload them in Full HD size 'cause Internet here is too slow but I can send one to you in the original resolution (4608 x 3456) if you want. Note that they are licensed under the Free Art License which requires to cite my name, but otherwise they're free to use as you like.

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 7:39 pm
by icefest
bohwaz wrote:I've got some here: ... uny_Island

That's not the best you might get but maybe you'll find something. I upload them in Full HD size 'cause Internet here is too slow but I can send one to you in the original resolution (4608 x 3456) if you want. Note that they are licensed under the Free Art License which requires to cite my name, but otherwise they're free to use as you like.

Do you do any post-processing on your images? You have some ripper shots.
I took the liberty of having some fun with them.

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 7:45 pm
by icefest
Or even this:

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 7:55 pm
by icefest
Hmm, I think I overdid this one:
Tell me if you want them removed

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 8:33 pm
by cams
This is probably the best one I've got from my trip earlier this year. I can probably correct the perspective and horizon a bit more if you think it is viable. I'm annoyed that I didn't do better with the framing.


Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 9:03 pm
by icefest
cams wrote:This is probably the best one I've got from my trip earlier this year. I can probably correct the perspective and horizon a bit more if you think it is viable. I'm annoyed that I didn't do better with the framing.

I like this photo.
Was this done with a wide angle lens?
Oh, well, you can't change the framing. All the more reason to return again in the future.
Here is my take on it, tell me if you want it gone. I can't get any more detail from the sky :s

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 10:36 pm
by bohwaz
I don't have any post-processing, just lossless rotation, I post-process them a bit when I want to print some but I like to store / keep them non-processed.

As stated above you can do what you want with my pictures as long as you comply with the terms of the Free Art License: (basically keeping my name along with the pictures and keeping the same sharing spirit ;) ).

As for the processing, I quite like what you did for the pic with the rocks.

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Tue 24 Sep, 2013 10:47 pm
by icefest
bohwaz wrote:As for the processing, I quite like what you did for the pic with the rocks.

I can apply the same to the original if you want.

Re: [WANTED] - Bruny Island photos

PostPosted: Thu 10 Oct, 2013 10:57 am
by tasadam
Photos no longer needed, thanks anyway...
Got this SMS...
bruny.jpg (40.05 KiB) Viewed 3585 times