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[NSW] Found: Trowel at Wattle Ridge CP

PostPosted: Tue 10 Jun, 2014 11:06 am
by GPSGuided
Found one trowel in Wattle Ridge CP (Nattai NP) over the weekend. It was "packaged" and left neatly beside my car. The owner must have dropped it or forgot to pick it up whilst loading his/her car before driving away. Tell me when you lost it, how it was "packaged, what else was in the package and which position was your car within that 8 car space CP. Answer correctly (or close enough) and you've proved your ownership.

Re: [NSW] Found: Trowel at Wattle Ridge CP

PostPosted: Wed 25 Jun, 2014 8:39 pm
by Joomy
I lost it one tuesday night on the moors. It was in a custom cuben-fibre waterproof dry bag along with some used TP and some tongs and the car was upside down, nose-first in the 2nd spot from the end, on the right.


Re: [NSW] Found: Trowel at Wattle Ridge CP

PostPosted: Wed 25 Jun, 2014 10:03 pm
by GPSGuided
LOL... it must have been your! But if that was the case, I would have "advertised" the found cuben sack than the trowel. We all know where the value is! ;)

Re: [NSW] Found: Trowel at Wattle Ridge CP

PostPosted: Wed 25 Jun, 2014 11:01 pm
by buggeriamold
We'll I can shed a little light on how it came to be near your car. It was originally dropped at the top of star lights at the first fire trail intersection by a member of a scout group. Another person who knew the scout group was out came past later, picked up the item and then left it at the car park thinking your car belonged to the group.

Or so the story was told to me by the dropper offer!


Re: [NSW] Found: Trowel at Wattle Ridge CP

PostPosted: Wed 25 Jun, 2014 11:43 pm
by GPSGuided
Small world and the mystery evaporates. Thanks for the info. As I was the last car to leave the car park that late afternoon, we wondered why it was so neatly placed next to the driver's door, aligned to the direction of the car. So now the question is, will the owner claim it? Or it's not even worth bothering?

Re: [NSW] Found: Trowel at Wattle Ridge CP

PostPosted: Thu 26 Jun, 2014 8:26 am
by buggeriamold
Not worth bothering I would think. But thanks for your honesty and effort.
