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[WANTED - MEL] - 2 Person Hilleberg USED (Nallo, Jannu, Namm

PostPosted: Wed 26 Nov, 2014 9:38 am
by mendel
Hi guys,

Looking for a Used hilleberg 2 person tent. No way in hell I could afford a new one, so let me know what you've got...
After a Jannu, Nallo or Nammatj..


Re: [WANTED - MEL] - 2 Person Hilleberg USED (Nallo, Jannu,

PostPosted: Thu 27 Nov, 2014 9:21 pm
by Janinebradley
Hi Mendel

We have a Kaitum GT hilleberg 3 Person for sale. As new condition with footprint. Purchased 2013 and only been used three times. Red. Currently listed at $850, but will sell for $800 including postagge. If you would like to see photos send us your email address or give us a call 0457 312 300.


Re: [WANTED - MEL] - 2 Person Hilleberg USED (Nallo, Jannu,

PostPosted: Fri 28 Nov, 2014 5:38 am
by mendel
Hi chris,
unfortunately, most of the time I'll be using it for solo camping with the sporadic two-person nights and I don't think I can justify lugging a 3p tent around for solo trips.
Thanks for the offer though :)