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Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sat 21 Mar, 2015 2:20 pm
by redd1971
Hey folks. Moving to the UK in 3 weeks, so selling a lot of our outdoor gear. If interested in anything in the list below, let me know and I will send through photos.
Free postage for most of the smaller items. Cheers


North Face Quickdry Hiking pants (Womens - size XL) $30
Waterproof Duffel (Carribee 80l) $30

Commercial Grade Sportsraft / Inflatable Kayak (IK2) and pump. $370
Level Six Semi-Dry top - Baron XL (as new) $150
Werner Sherpa Fibreglass 1 piece kayak Paddle (new) $290
Handheld bilge pump $15

SOLD RAB E-vent Hardshell Pants/Salopettes (brand new with tags - XL) $180 (normally retails at $500 in store)
SOLD - NRS Dry pants $100
SOLD pending payment Kokatat Orbit PFD (and water whistle)- L/XL $100
SOLD pending payment - Carlisle Outfitters Guide Paddle (new) $49
SOLD pending payment - Swell Canoe Paddle (new) $29
SOLD Helmet - Osprey adjustable (size L) $20
SOLD pending payment - Helmet (Black - new) $10
SOLD- pending payment- GT Karakorum 2 MTB (with free service, pump, helmet, repair kit) $500
SOLD pending payment Camelback daypack and hydro bladder $20
SOLD pending payment Jetboil 1.5L Fluxring pot - new in box - $45
SOLD pending payment Patagonia R1 Fleece Pullover (as new - size M) $50
SOLD pending payment - Ortlieb Dry bag small $10
SOLD pending payment - Macpac Long sleeve flannel - Mens XL $20

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Re: Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sat 21 Mar, 2015 4:15 pm
by JohnStrider
I'd be interested in the Camelbak daypack and hydro bladder. How much does the bladder hold?

Would love a few pics if possible.

Re: Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sat 21 Mar, 2015 7:27 pm
by redd1971
Hi John,

Sorry but the Camelbak has sold. It was a 2l bladder.

Thanks for the interest.


Re: Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sat 21 Mar, 2015 7:55 pm
by JohnStrider
Ok. Next time could you please update them as they are sold. A little bit confusing when your asking about items that have already been sold.

Re: Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sun 22 Mar, 2015 10:07 am
by redd1971
Doing the best I can mate. I have had a lot of enquiries and trying to keep up with providing pics, responding to messages and updating the list. THanks

Re: Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sun 22 Mar, 2015 10:59 am
by Mickl
If the sale for the Patagonia R1 Fleece Pullover falls through I'll grab it from you....



Re: Lots of outdoor gear for sale. VIC

PostPosted: Sun 22 Mar, 2015 11:48 am
by JohnStrider
redd1971 wrote:Doing the best I can mate. I have had a lot of enquiries and trying to keep up with providing pics, responding to messages and updating the list. THanks

Yeah all good, mate.