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WTB topographical maps , southwest china , yunnan , bingzhon

PostPosted: Wed 20 May, 2015 10:46 pm
by dpm
WTB looking for topographical maps ,scale 1:200,000,of south west china , yunnan , bingzhongluo around 28°03' N - 98°30'E.
Or any information on where to get these would be great.

Re: Market Square & Lost Property

PostPosted: Tue 26 May, 2015 9:51 pm
by Zone-5

Re: Market Square & Lost Property

PostPosted: Wed 27 May, 2015 11:33 am
by GPSGuided
Hard one.

US Army has sheets based on information from the 1940s. LOL!

An online topo map from a Chinese web site.

I also understand there are some Garmin compatible map files for the more touristy areas.