(East Gipp VIC) WTB : MSR fuel bottles

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(East Gipp VIC) WTB : MSR fuel bottles

Postby sambar358 » Sun 12 Jul, 2015 10:21 am

I'm looking to buy a couple of MSR fuel bottles (600 - 900ml size) to suit a Whisperlite stove so if anyone has one or two in that size range that are serviceable and no longer required then let's know via a PM. Thanks and cheers.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: (East Gipp VIC) WTB : MSR fuel bottles

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 12 Jul, 2015 12:25 pm

Is it the SIGG thread? I have a spare SIGG bottle 600ml
Ve are too soon old und too late schmart
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Re: (East Gipp VIC) WTB : MSR fuel bottles

Postby sambar358 » Sun 12 Jul, 2015 1:49 pm

MD, thanks for the reply....I do have a 600ml SIGG bottle that I have been using for shellite storage/transport for my Coleman Peak 1 stove over the years but not for pressurised usage on a MSR Whisperlite type stove. The MSR pump fits the SIGG thread OK and I've tested my bottle on the unit but once fully pressurised the base of the SIGG bottle has bulged-out quite a bit and I've since read that SIGG bottles are not suitable for use in a pressurised application. Apparently the MSR bottles have a heavier wall and base to prevent distortion under pressure. Cheers

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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