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[SOLD] WTB Easton Nano 6'' Stakes

PostPosted: Tue 12 Jan, 2016 7:18 pm
by Gold Coast
WTB I would like to buy some Easton Nano tent stakes. Size 6'' Blue. Approx 8 stakes.
New or S/H. I can't find them anywhere on the internet, so I'll see if anyone has
some left over from an old tent.

Re: WTB Easton Nano 6'' Stakes

PostPosted: Tue 12 Jan, 2016 10:41 pm
by whitefang
I think these are the ones that come with TarpTents. You can buy them from TarpTent for $2USD each, I believe.

Re: WTB Easton Nano 6'' Stakes

PostPosted: Wed 13 Jan, 2016 3:26 pm
by Gold Coast
Thanks Whitefang,
I did a test order, and shipping would be $45us.
I'll contact Franco to see if he has stock here.