[FS ACT] Warbonnet Blackbird Hikers Hammock

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[FS ACT] Warbonnet Blackbird Hikers Hammock

Postby jdeks » Wed 13 Jan, 2016 10:04 pm

This ain't your dads hammock. This is a Warbonnet





What is a Warbonnet Blackbird? Well, it's purpose built camping and hiking hammock, designed to let you lay flat, keep bugs out, give you a place to store your gear, and even sit while you un-freeze-dry your dinner. All while keeping you comfortably off the ground, and all its mud and spiders.

This is the extra-robust double-layer 1.7 version, giving you not only maximum weight capacity, but also the option to use your normal mattress as under-insulation. It's also got adjustable webbing straps with quick-tie "dutch clips" for fixing to trees.

If you're after the specs, I won't waste your time - you can find them here: http://www.warbonnetoutdoors.com/blackbird/

If you already know what this is, then you're probably a hammocker already and you'll recognize its worth.

If you're new to the idea of camping in a hammock - This is seriously good quality kit. I've been a die-hard tarp camper for years, quite happy to sleep on the ground, and this thing was enough to get me out of my beloved Trailstar. Setup is stupid easy - find two trees, clip on, give the strap a tug and get in. The asymmetric design means quite a flat lie - I'm a non-negotiable side sleeper and I have no problems. The gear shelf is massive, it makes a great camp chair, you can still set it up as just a bivvy if you can't find two trees...All you need is a basic tarp, and you've got one of the most versatile setups around.

The only reason I'm selling is because I have two and I really can't justify keeping both.

They're $185 USD new, or about $260 aud...plus shipping. More like $300 + landed here in Aus. This is in great nick, so I'd be happy with $210, posted on the east coast.

I know that seems like a lot for a hammock, but really - these things are much more than just a hammock.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: [FS ACT] Warbonnet Blackbird Hikers Hammock

Postby Kagey » Mon 25 Jan, 2016 1:48 pm

Long time lurker of this page and was just looking at buying one of these new but timing is everything! Registered just to ask is this still for sale please??
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: [FS ACT] Warbonnet Blackbird Hikers Hammock

Postby jdeks » Tue 26 Jan, 2016 2:27 pm

Alas, it's been sold! But I may have a source on another for you, PM sent!
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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