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[SA Adelaide]: New Garmin Forerunner 230

PostPosted: Tue 02 Feb, 2016 6:59 pm
by Bubbalouie
For sale is a new, unopened Forerunner 230, asking price is $310.

I'm selling this as I ordered two before Christmas (in the hopes of getting one on time, I got both on time). I'd prefer to see if any bushwalkers would want it for off season training before I try eBay.

The forerunner 230 is a sports tracker watch with a built in GPS & colour display. It isn't really a replacement for a proper GPS for extended navigation in the bush as it has no maps. However, it's an excellent training device for those that like to get some numbers on what they're getting up to (not everyone's cup of tea though I guess).

Personally I use a 235 with a cadence sensor for cycling (to record rides), I also use it for tracking evening runs and as a watch (shock horror). There is a hiking app which I use for day hikes, though as before I would not use this as a substitute for a dedicated GPS on overnight hikes.

I've found by 235 lasts a bout a week with normal use, my better half who uses a 230 consistently gets better as it's not running a HRM 24x7.

In any case, here's the product link from Garmin: ... 23893.html

And a review: ... eview.html

And finally a picture (apologies for the quality, it's taken with a phone in low light):