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FREE [VIC Mel] Kathmandu mat - needs repair

PostPosted: Wed 03 Feb, 2016 9:41 am
by Drew
Kathmandu mat, free to someone who wants to fix its leak! The leak is near the valve (not in the actual valve). I just had a lazy go at fixing it but it failed. If my repair had worked I would have asked for 20 bucks for it. I'm pretty sure it could be fixed with little effort.

Pick up in Brunswick.
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Re: FREE [VIC Mel] Kathmandu mat - needs repair

PostPosted: Sat 06 Feb, 2016 1:02 pm
by Drew
It seems my quick repair did a better job than I thought! I left it sitting there for a few days and it's still inflated! However you can still have it for free.

Re: FREE [VIC Mel] Kathmandu mat - needs repair

PostPosted: Sat 20 Feb, 2016 7:51 pm
by Drew
Sold at garage sale.