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SOLD Pending p/u [FS Perth WA Post AUS] Bibbulmun Track Maps

PostPosted: Mon 28 Mar, 2016 4:40 pm
by Bogong Moth
Hi guys,

I got a fabulous but very redundant present for my birthday, and don't have the heart to tell the giver this, so help me out in giving the gift a better home!!!

I have on offer:

Bibbulmun Track- Northern Map Pack- 1:50,000

This is for the northern 'half' (or so) of the track, and comprises four maps:

1. Darling range (Kalamunda --> N. Bannister)
2. Dwellingup (--> Harvey-Quindanning Rd)
3. Collie (--> Mumballup)
4. Blackwood (--> Donnelly River Village)

Each map is immaculate, never used, and the current versions.

The maps are sold at $11.50 each (excl postage) or $42 as a set of four- I'll part with them for $30 incl postage.

Re: [FS Perth WA Post AUS] Bibbulmun Track Northern Map Pack

PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar, 2016 10:29 am
by Bogong Moth
Sold pending pickup

Re: SOLD Pending p/u [FS Perth WA Post AUS] Bibbulmun Track

PostPosted: Sat 30 Apr, 2016 11:33 pm
by Bogong Moth