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WTB or Borrow - Gas Cartridge exchanger

PostPosted: Wed 27 Apr, 2016 5:17 pm
by Mickl
Hi All,

I have a trip coming up soon and thought that rather than buying more full canisters I would try and combine the contents of a couple from my multitude of half empty ones.... I was going to order a new one from Ebay but likely that it won't come in time so just seeing if anyone has one they are no longer using or if someone in Adelaide would be happy to loan one.

Let me know via PM if you can help out.



Re: WTB or Borrow - Gas Cartridge exchanger

PostPosted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:41 am
by Moondog55
You could ask for and pay extra for express post
I'd offer to send you mine but China post may actually be cheaper for express than 2 times a 500g bag