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[Melbourne] WTT Neoair Regular for a Neoair Small + $$'s

PostPosted: Sun 30 Oct, 2016 4:44 pm
by damoprz
I have a Neo-air regular, about 1.5 years old. It has no punctures and has seen max 40 nights of use.
I am looking to down size to a small for 3 seasons and get a few $$'s to buy an X-therm before I move to Europe.

Re: [Melbourne] WTT Neoair Regular for a Neoair Small + $$'s

PostPosted: Mon 31 Oct, 2016 7:54 pm
by redbruce
Best of luck.For mine, I'd stick with minimal weight penalty and comfort.

Buggar all in weight, and really no difference (second hand) in $$.


Re: [Melbourne] WTT Neoair Regular for a Neoair Small + $$'s

PostPosted: Mon 31 Oct, 2016 9:00 pm
by damoprz
Yeah I figured it was a long shot. I have only used torso matts before this and am happy to save the 120 grams. I figured I might find someone who bought a small, regretted it and wanted to trade up.