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[Geelong Post] Skywalk rubbers #4 for Supergaiters

PostPosted: Tue 05 Dec, 2017 7:17 am
by Moondog55
Berghaus have mistakenly sent me replacement rands for a pair of Supergaiters I no longer own.
I sent a comment on how the rubber had perished and asking for advice. I never got any advice but these turned up in the mail about 3 months later and I have already given away the leather boots with gaiters attached
The rands on my current Supergaiters are fine and #4 is too small to fit my plastic ski boots
Make me an offer
Postage will be about $10- I think, less if I can squeeze them into a 500g prepaid
Size #4 works for Large to Extra Large gaiters, 42 to 44 boot