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Tas Maps 1:25k DuCane & Pillans - GDA 's

PostPosted: Sat 31 Mar, 2018 10:51 pm
by vagrom
Does anyone know where I could obtain these now discontinued 1/25k TasMaps ?

Re: Tas Maps 1:25k DuCane & Pillans - GDA 's

PostPosted: Sun 01 Apr, 2018 9:13 am
by Warin
Du Cane ;
as a download $2
As paper $55 ... but 'on demand' only so you may have to wait a while.

Re: Tas Maps 1:25k DuCane & Pillans - GDA 's

PostPosted: Sun 01 Apr, 2018 9:37 am
by tastrax
If you are only after selected parts then you can also print them from the Listmap web interface

add the basemap 'Tasmap' and then zoom in to the areas of interest.

Re: Tas Maps 1:25k DuCane & Pillans - GDA 's

PostPosted: Sun 01 Apr, 2018 3:39 pm
by vagrom
Thanks. Should've been clearer. Wondered if anyone had any to sell.

The $55 printout is sold on porous paper, i'm told by Hobart Mapshop. No great inconvenience - just a bit dear. I'm told the $2 to stick downloads come without grid lines and other diff's from the originals.

I have the older, yellow versions - pre GDA. Just that the newer ones present a bit better.