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SOLD-*PRICEDROP*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Large

PostPosted: Fri 13 Apr, 2018 5:09 pm
by Lamont
Used once only for an evening sitting and a morning for an hour -about 4 hours all up. Used with a very thin 100 weight (230 grams is the total weight of the fleece) fleece and thin merino shirt to 0 degrees and I was warm and comfy.
NOT slept in, compressed or stored compressed at all. It is in perfect order and looks new.
I will upload some pics. in the morning, It weighs 360grams and packs really small without the need to compress it.
$210 plus delivery-weighs less than 500 grams so should cost about $12 postage in a bag.
NOW $200 plus delivery

The webpage below shows the exact jacket in the exact colour I am selling, in the video clip at the bottom and shows all it's features really well. ... 7864454155

The hood draws around the face really well sealing/blocking any drafts and the waist adjuster does exactly the same -all drafts are blocked. The roo pocket is padded with same insulation so your hands will be warm. That means that over the stomach area it is double thickness for warmth.
"Swami: (Australia's Cam Honan recommends the) Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket" ... gear-list/ down the bottom under insulation.
Any questions just ask

Re: VICFS*PICS-ADDED*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Larg

PostPosted: Fri 13 Apr, 2018 7:27 pm
by Lamont

Re: VICFS*PICS-ADDED*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Larg

PostPosted: Fri 13 Apr, 2018 7:34 pm
by andrewa
My mate loves these. I’ve not tried it, as I have other jackets, and can’t justify another jacket - albeit tempted!


Re: VICFS*PICS-ADDED*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Larg

PostPosted: Fri 13 Apr, 2018 10:43 pm
by Moondog55
It is a great design
I have one

Pair it with a LW vest and it is even better

Re: VICFS*PRICEDROP*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Large

PostPosted: Mon 16 Apr, 2018 11:51 am
by Lamont
Bumped up NEW PRICE

Re: VICFS*PRICEDROP*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Large

PostPosted: Mon 16 Apr, 2018 3:02 pm
by Moondog55
I absolutely am in love with mine so I have to ask why selling?
Not snowcamping or skiing this winter?

Re: VICFS*PRICEDROP*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Large

PostPosted: Tue 17 Apr, 2018 6:41 pm
by CasualNerd
Just wondering about the sizing of this jacket... I don't have anywhere local to try one on, but I fit well in a patagonia large torrentshell jacket, can anyone confirm they fit similarly ?

Re: VICFS*PRICEDROP*PatagoniaMen'sNanoPuffBivyPullover Large

PostPosted: Wed 18 Apr, 2018 7:16 am
by Moondog55
Mine is cut a little oversized but I don't own a Torrentshell so I can't try for you but looking on-line I think it may fit over the top.
My own XXL fits over an XXL Nanopuff easily, they are designed as a layering piece
Email Patagonias on-line service and ask them this question and they should be able to assist