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[WTB] 1:50 000 Kosciuszko map 1982

PostPosted: Tue 04 Dec, 2018 12:12 pm
by Zapruda
Hey everyone,

I’m searching for a decent copy of the old 1:50,000 Kosciuszko map from 1982 or 84 possibly. If you have one you aren’t using and want to get rid of it please let me know.


Re: [WTB] 1:50 000 Kosciuszko map 1982

PostPosted: Tue 04 Dec, 2018 1:22 pm
by johnw
Not for sale unfortunately Stef but I do have one, not sure which edition but likely 1982. One of my most treasured maps, which always gets used when I visit. Sadly now unavailable commercially AFAIK.

If it helps looks like you may be able to request a printed copy via the NLA. Plain paper I guess, so would have to be protected somehow. They seem to have more than one edition.

Re: [WTB] 1:50 000 Kosciuszko map 1982

PostPosted: Tue 04 Dec, 2018 1:33 pm
by Mark F
Seeing you are in the ACT, one way is to view it at the National Library and photograph the bits you want. The index to the 1982 version is Order the day before and it will be available in the Special Collections Reading Room on the 1st? floor. If you haven't used this before read
Unfortunately I don't have that one but if interested I do have the 1:50k Thredbo (1981) and Khancoban (1981) which lie respectively south and north of the Kosciusko sheet, also 1:50k Suggan Buggan (1981) and 1:100k Kosciusko (1968) if you wanted to photocopy any sections.

Re: [WTB] 1:50 000 Kosciuszko map 1982

PostPosted: Tue 04 Dec, 2018 1:59 pm
by Zapruda
Thanks Mark and John. I really appreciate the replies. It seems I’ll be making a trip to the NLA. I would be surprised if anyone that still had one was willing to let it go, but worth a shot I guess.

Mark, I will definitely keep your offer in mind. Appreciated for sure.


Re: [WTB] 1:50 000 Kosciuszko map 1982

PostPosted: Tue 04 Dec, 2018 7:57 pm
by andrewa
Just been out to the shed.

I have data 1979, printed 1982, that I’d be prepared to sell.

I’m happy to send you pictures of it. Pm me with an email address.

Andrew A

Re: [WTB] 1:50 000 Kosciuszko map 1982

PostPosted: Tue 04 Dec, 2018 8:08 pm
by Zapruda
andrewa wrote:Just been out to the shed.

I have data 1979, printed 1982, that I’d be prepared to sell.

I’m happy to send you pictures of it. Pm me with an email address.

Andrew A
