As above. Not using it and just re registered it.
It has been sitting on the bench in its neoprene cover for several years-not even carried for about two years I reckon.
Date on bottom says "replace by May 2022". It has a seven year battery life.
I have been the only owner and I presume I would have to contact AMSA to inform of new owner etc. Which I can do after the public holidays.
I just did the check/test and it responded exactly as the unit says -a light flash and two beeps.
Did it second time to confirm.
Unmarked (security seal unbroken as you would expect). Has the little key and lanyard as well-complete as when I bought it.
Not sure how something like this works and I have to confirm I can change hands etc
$70- sorry make that $60 plus postage -for about three years and a half years use?
I presume I just bubble wrap it and send it normal post?
This video covers all the salient points and how to work it for reference-
in case you are new to this sort of thing.