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[FREE Melbourne] Fast Find GPS PLB

PostPosted: Tue 15 Dec, 2020 3:36 pm
by axel
Hi everyone, I have what appears to be a perfectly operational Fast Find GPS PLB that requires a battery replacement. I have a full time job and two kids under 5 and far too many other projects to spend the time researching and replacing the battery myself, and it is just not economical to get it done professionally.

If you want it, happy to meet in the CBD or Macedon, or post at your cost.

My only condition is that you take it completely at your own risk, I can vouch that it turns on and indicates that the self test functions fine, but as I have never had to use it in anger that is all I can guarantee.

Send me a PM if you are interested.


Re: [FREE Melbourne] Fast Find GPS PLB

PostPosted: Mon 28 Dec, 2020 9:21 am
by Moondog55
PM incoming

Re: [FREE Melbourne] Fast Find GPS PLB

PostPosted: Sat 13 Feb, 2021 1:54 pm
by metazero
Interested if still available.

Re: [FREE Melbourne] Fast Find GPS PLB

PostPosted: Tue 23 Feb, 2021 10:06 pm
by axel
Hi all, sorry dropped off for a while. PLB has been taken.
