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WTB (Per, WA) Kovea Titanium Superlite or Spider or MSR Pock

PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2021 11:01 am
by Niftynomad
Hello All

I am seeking a canister top Kovea or MSR, after selling my old one to MoonDog many years ago.

I just saw the Spider on offer but it already sold. Boo hoo.

What have you got laying around, people?

Warm regards


Re: WTB (Per, WA) Kovea Titanium Superlite or Spider or MSR

PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2021 11:58 am
by Moondog55
Can't sell it back to you as I PIF'd the unit cheap but I do have a new and unused FireMaple Wasp I'll probably never need and somewhere around I should have an older Kovea with a butane adaptor I will also not really need.

Re: WTB (Per, WA) Kovea Titanium Superlite or Spider or MSR

PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2021 1:24 pm
by Zapruda

Re: WTB (Per, WA) Kovea Titanium Superlite or Spider or MSR

PostPosted: Fri 14 May, 2021 1:50 pm
by Niftynomad
Thanks MD, Im interested to hear what anyone has...

I particularly like how low the Kovea Superlite sits- stable city...