[FS ACT] 3D spacer mesh for packs

I have 2 pieces of 3d spacer mesh (3mm thick) for sale. Purchased for diy projects that didn't get to the sewing machine. These are similar to RBTR's offering https://ripstopbytheroll.com/collections/spacer-mesh-fabric/products/3d-spacer-mesh-1-8
Piece 1 - 1540 W x 700 L - $35 posted
Piece 2 - 1180 W x 350 L - $17 posted
Buy both $55 posted.
I will be posting more diy fabrics etc over the next few days.
Piece 1 - 1540 W x 700 L - $35 posted
Piece 2 - 1180 W x 350 L - $17 posted
Buy both $55 posted.
I will be posting more diy fabrics etc over the next few days.