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PostPosted: Mon 03 May, 2010 9:22 pm
by north-north-west
1) Shimano, in case, Cape Pillar - between the Chasm and Perdition Ponds.
2) Shimano, between Tali Karng and Miller's Hut - and I mean a direct line between the creek end of Tali and the Hut.
3) Polaroids, on a line due east from the head of Pilot Creek, above the halfway point to the saddle.
4) El cheapo mirror with metal frames, somewhere on the Paralyser, probably between the western trig and Illawong Hut.

That's just the most recent ones. If anyone finds a pair of sunglasses anywhere, there's a good chance they're mine. I've left a trail of them from one end of the country to the other, north and south - including one pair that are somewhere below the Dogleg in Pics . . . :(

Re: [LOST]Sunglasses

PostPosted: Mon 03 May, 2010 11:33 pm
by flatfoot
Seems like you're making a spectacle of yourself :lol:

I lament your loss. I spent $200 on a pair of sunglasses only to clumsily sit on them in the car (they were in a jacket pocket).

Re: [LOST]Sunglasses

PostPosted: Mon 07 Jun, 2010 6:55 am
I found a pair at Hartz last winter.

Re: [LOST]Sunglasses

PostPosted: Tue 08 Jun, 2010 7:34 pm
by north-north-west
Thanks, but no, despite numerous visits I've never managed to lose a pair up there. Hartz (for some strange reason) is always good to me.

You better keep them yourself. A spare pair is always handy.