WTS Macpac Olympus_Parts only

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WTS Macpac Olympus_Parts only

Postby Micke » Sun 16 Apr, 2023 5:38 pm

My Olympus from the 90's is going to tent heaven due to ageing. However there maybe some parts that are useful to someonewho has semi-functional version and want to exend life.

This was the blue version and was purchased mid 90's after an experience with a lesser 2 pole tent (which collapsed in wind near Kosi)

So what's still good?
The poles: great, no issue at all.
The inner: minimal wear and tear to floor, seam taping coming loose, all zips good, no holes, one tie down adjacent centre pole at ground level detached after teenager use.(they're not using the new tent)
The Fly: 100% intact but PU has gone tacky so waterproofing is shot. Otherwise sound.
Pole & tent bags available

Let me know if you want to make an offer on poles. Rest is free to good home. Pick up Hawthorn East.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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