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(HBT, TAS) Mont Mat FS $80 ONO

PostPosted: Sun 07 Nov, 2010 11:46 am
by dee_legg
Hi All,

Have a very lightly used Mont Warmlite Mat for sale. It is a full length synthetic filled insulated mat, which although it does not self inflate, once you've blown it up it is very thick (6cm) and only weighs 680g.
Selling because we have too many thermarests for our own good, and hoping to get around $80 for it but offers are welcome.

More information available here-

With original stuff sack.

Happy to post at your expense!

Re: (HBT, TAS) Mont Mat FS $80 ONO

PostPosted: Tue 09 Nov, 2010 9:44 pm
by bauera
I'll buy. PM sent.