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[SOLD] BRAND NEW Steripen Adventurer (opti) $110 delivered

PostPosted: Thu 02 Dec, 2010 7:40 pm
by ninjapuppet
I have 5 brand new adventurer steripens and 1 adventurer Opti steripen for sale.
all are unopened and brand new
delivered to your door via normal post.

I would recommend the older yellow adventurer model over the newer green opti model but thats just my personal preference.
Direct bank deposit only and I will post as soon as funds appear in my account.



EDIT: price reduced to $110

Re: [SYD] BRAND NEW Steripen Adventurer (opti) $110 delivere

PostPosted: Thu 02 Dec, 2010 7:44 pm
by ninjapuppet
oops i forgot my own steripen died.

So i am taking one of the yellow adventurers, so I have 4 adventurers and 1 adventurer opti for sale.