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[Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Sun 13 Feb, 2011 8:38 am
by tasadam
In response to this topic - viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4929
Looking for Hydration bladders...

This is the bladder that I AM going to buy.

I found on the net, a review of some of the Source Hydration systems. ... last/1/SP/

So. Let's look at buying... ... iners.html US$20. Certainly happy with the price.
Found them at Alibaba as well, but no pricing. Doesn't matter, happy with US$20.

But what about shipping...

* Items will be shipped to the customer's doorstep via International Express Mail Service (EMS).
* Shipping time is approximately 2 - 7 working days, depending on the destination and products availability.
* Worldwide shipping is free for all orders over US$60. Orders of less or equal to US$60 will be charged US$20 for shipping.
* The minimum order sum is US$40. Customers who wish to obtain small items from our store will have to meet the US$40 minimum in order to checkout.

Please Note: In some countries import charges [VAT, BTW etc.] will occur at destination according to each countries customs and tax laws. This information can be obtained from your local customs office.

Shipment Tracking
Submit your email address and you will automatically receive the tracking information.

So I've got to spend US$40 minimum to be able to buy from them, and shipping is US$20. Or I buy 4 and worldwide shipping is free.

I am prepared to place an order for Source gear if there is enough interest.
Have a look at their products (click on pic) -
Or anything else from their Home Page
PM me what you want to buy.
I'll place an order. Shipping to me will be free and I can post to Australian destinations.
I will update this post as orders come in, in case you are sitting on the fence. Once I have enough orders for free shipping (US$60.01, currently stands at US$20 for my needs), I will buy.
Note, some of the products are available in Australia through Mountain Designs. But not the one I want.
Pricing will be calculated based on what I am charged due to the nature of the exchange rate. Pretty good at the moment, but bear in mind there are usually some small banking transaction fees for overseas exchange. I will provide an open book to all participants to show fairness in the calculations.
Disclaimer - You will be buying it from the site, not from me. Do your own research on the gear, and be mindful that warranty issues are to be taken up with the site, not with me - I'm just the medium for supply.

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Mon 14 Feb, 2011 6:43 pm
by north-north-west
I'm not in need of another at the moment but if anyone's considering this, I can vouch for the Source bladders. I've been using one for the last eighteen months or so, and it's the best bladder I've had.

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Mon 14 Feb, 2011 7:07 pm
by Son of a Beach
north-north-west wrote:it's the best bladder I've had.

My wife's got a much better bladder than mine. I have to get up anywhere between 1 to 3 times a night. She never gets up at night. What were we talking about?

[Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Mon 14 Feb, 2011 7:21 pm
by Bluegum Mic
I'll grab a couple of things. I'll send you a pm



Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Mon 21 Feb, 2011 7:32 pm
by tasadam
I have completed this bulk buy and placed the order. Those that have responded to me have been sent a PM.

If anyone else is interested in making a purchase, please add your request to this topic. If there is enough interest, I may do another as a courtesy to the forum.

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Mon 21 Feb, 2011 7:40 pm
Son of a Beach wrote:
north-north-west wrote:it's the best bladder I've had.

My wife's got a much better bladder than mine. I have to get up anywhere between 1 to 3 times a night. She never gets up at night. What were we talking about?

I had to double check that WAS you making that joke Nik, very clever!!

Sadly Im in your boat though, usually 2 or 3 times for me also. :( Not much fun on those cold nights at altitude!! actually thats why I started carrying a pee bottle.

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Thu 24 Feb, 2011 4:20 pm
by tasadam
To those involved, items have left Israel and are on the way...
source.jpg (63.19 KiB) Viewed 9859 times

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Mon 07 Mar, 2011 6:31 pm
by tasadam
Two weeks postage and still no sign of it being updated on the Aus Post website since 24th Feb, when it left Israel.
I will update as soon as I have news.

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Sun 13 Mar, 2011 8:37 am
by The Caveman
Seems to be a major backlog at customs - I've got several packages shipped from the US during February that still haven't made it into the local postal network... Even using UPSP Express!

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Tue 15 Mar, 2011 7:46 am
by tasadam
The Aus Post email alert tracking actually works -
Total Articles 1
Date/Time 15.03.11 07:15:53
Current Status Onboard with Driver

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Tue 15 Mar, 2011 10:58 am
by Liamy77
thank heavens it got through without delay.... was worried a bit - got camera gear comming before we leave here for the trip...

Re: [Bulk Buy] Source hydration

PostPosted: Sat 26 Mar, 2011 9:00 am
by tasadam
This bulk buy is now complete. A new Bulk Buy for Source Hydration products has been started, HERE.