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Cuben (By the (9) Meter)

PostPosted: Sun 08 May, 2011 6:30 pm
by Nuts
I am thinking of buying a roll of Cuben Fibre fabric. Its green/brown : (CT2K.08 /25.3g /54”=1372mm).
I wont need it all and thought i'd mention to see if anyone else is interested. It is not that easy to cut (and has a fold every 9m) so say 9m lengths (likely x 2 available). It would need to be picked up (D'port) or would be folded (in half) to fit a post tube and they look like working out around $30p/m to cover time, cutting etc & post (I think thats reasonable??) )These guys sell the white stuff (and the tapes that can be used to bond the seams):

(9m would make a nice shelter and likely a full kit of lightweight gear...)


Re: Cuben (By the (9) Meter)

PostPosted: Sun 08 May, 2011 7:08 pm
by rogo
blast if it was the white/clear stuff I would have got some :(

Re: Cuben (By the (9) Meter)

PostPosted: Sun 08 May, 2011 7:22 pm
by Nuts
You can just buy it (white) from that Quest site rogo... the .74 oz is close...

Re: Cuben (By the (9) Meter)

PostPosted: Mon 09 May, 2011 3:37 am
by Liamy77
i need more pocketmoney!

Re: Cuben (By the (9) Meter)

PostPosted: Fri 20 May, 2011 12:21 pm
by Nuts
OK, all done... unfortunately, sent from US in a box 5 feet long, next time it will be closer to $40 per meter (estimated cost price including domestic postage). I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has had it sent from a retail source, was it folded? Did you have problems with the folds?

Anyhow, I'll keep this open. If anyone is interested in a future purchase maybe post a note here, i'll see what colours/weights are available (all similar pricing)... I'll post some photos as my few projects progress, love to hear from anyone else (Oz based) using this stuff...