[Tas Hbt] Lizard Sandals, new, UK12 EU 47, $40, Can Post

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[Tas Hbt] Lizard Sandals, new, UK12 EU 47, $40, Can Post

Postby DonQx » Fri 20 May, 2011 11:32 am

I bought a few pairs of Lizard sandals last year, discounted from ~$150 to $60.

Normally I wear well-used sandals out in about 9 months. I use them every day as well as for bushwalks (I walk mostly in sandals, sometimes barefooted).

But the first pair of Lizards has only just given up :-), I've now started on the 2nd & 3rd pair, should last me another few years :-) .

Soo ... 2 pairs for sale.

- UK12 EU 47
- new
- very comfy
- long-lasting they are
- very grippy Vibram sole
- leather footbed
- made in Italy ... top quality gear

Pics below.

Asking $40 a pair. Can post.

sell sandals Lizard 1 s1.jpg

sell sandals Lizard 2 s1.jpg
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: [Tas Hbt] Lizard Sandals, new, UK12 EU 47, $40, Can Pos

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Fri 20 May, 2011 11:42 am

Hi, I'm interested in your sandals. Are these suitable for salt environment?

Sorry, don't worry about it, there to big for me. I need a size 10-11.
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: [Tas Hbt] Lizard Sandals, new, UK12 EU 47, $40, Can Pos

Postby DonQx » Fri 20 May, 2011 12:06 pm

I've regularly walked through coastal streams / surf etc. on coastal walks, also used them on sea kayaking trips.

Didn't seem to cause any damage to the leather which would be the only sensitive part methinks.

IMO they have excellent grip on wet rocks etc.

I'll be off-line in an hour or so for 2 days, will respond on Sunday to any messages/posts.

:-) a.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: [Tas Hbt] Lizard Sandals, new, UK12 EU 47, $40, Can Pos

Postby DonQx » Mon 24 Jun, 2013 1:40 pm

BUMP ... still got a pair available
Can't get enough of cruisy-paced overnite outdoor trips
Trip philosophy at www.ahack.org
Loc close to Hobart
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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