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[Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Tue 27 Sep, 2011 8:29 pm
by weetbix456
Hey guys,
My mountain bike was stolen sometime during work was chained up just near the old myer site on liverpool street. It is an Avanti Black Thunder M 24-speed, mostly black with bits of silver. I've reported it to the police and i know it's unlikely it will be 'found' but if anyone sees it laying around the street or whatever could you let me know on 0400437586. Much appreciated!
Thanks, Nick.
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Tue 27 Sep, 2011 8:32 pm
Dude thats messed up!! Keep an eye on the local classified websites like gumtree...
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Wed 28 Sep, 2011 7:43 pm
by weetbix456
Yea its balls...ride it in everyday. I'd love to open my car door onto whoevers face at high speed. On the topic, any recommendations for a newy??
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Wed 28 Sep, 2011 9:51 pm
by tasadam
Are there street cameras? If you're lucky and there are cameras and it got nicked and placed in a car and the cameras saw the rego, well, you never know.
Good luck.
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 5:26 pm
by weetbix456
i found it!!! i was driving to work along newtown road early in the morning and it was just leaning against a shop! what are the chances!!! i did a harry bolt and chucked it in my car..hopefully someone had a longgggg way to walk
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 5:27 pm
What??? Noooo surely not..... maybe someone with a similar bike is now reporting one stolen bike...
Amazing story, great result!
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 6:59 pm
by corvus
This is not a story like the Vicars bike is it
Glad you found it
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 8:04 pm
by stepbystep
Ha awesome stuff!!!
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 8:27 pm
by weetbix456
hahaha! thats what i thought at first too! but it had all the give away extras on it (blue drink holder, pump holder, seat bag and a little clip for an olllllddd light that clipped straight on when i checked!!) I stood there for a bit not knowing what to do
but hell it was my bike so I was off, and it was too early to be fighting any angry bogans
i'm utterly stoked..and i WAS to be going bike shopping today
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 8:56 pm
by tasadam
And now...
Congrats on your good fortune.
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 10:11 pm
weetbix456 wrote:hahaha! thats what i thought at first too! but it had all the give away extras on it (blue drink holder, pump holder, seat bag and a little clip for an olllllddd light that clipped straight on when i checked!!) I stood there for a bit not knowing what to do
but hell it was my bike so I was off, and it was too early to be fighting any angry bogans
i'm utterly stoked..and i WAS to be going bike shopping today
I'd have done the same thing!!
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 10:19 pm
by Moondog55
Let the wallopers know the bike has been recovered. Next time remove the seat and take it inside with you, more secure than using a lock i found
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 10:24 pm
by tasadam
Moondog55 wrote:Let the wallopers know the bike has been recovered. Next time remove the seat and take it inside with you, more secure than using a lock i found
This brings to mind an idea, removable pedals.. .If it were easy, it would serve the same purpose. Even removing one could work.
Re: [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 8:33 am
by doogs
weetbix456 wrote:..hopefully someone had a longgggg way to walk
I would be hoping for a fortnight of gastric flu at least
Great that you got your bike back, I hate thievery.
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 10:37 am
by Nuts
ha ha great result! I would have stuck around (to grab a photo of the guy at least). Do hope it wasn't some kid who saw your bike and wanted theirs set up just the same way
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Fri 30 Sep, 2011 1:53 pm
by pazzar
What a coincidence, someone stole my bike that I'd had for a few days while i was in a shop on Newtown Road the other day. Hope I can find it like you did
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Sun 02 Oct, 2011 5:46 pm
by weetbix456
haha. thanks whoever changed the name of this..i always forget!
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Sun 02 Oct, 2011 6:04 pm
by mattmacman
Doogs love the antics <3
Re: [Now FOUND!] [LOST, Hobart] Mountain Bike
Sun 02 Oct, 2011 11:07 pm
by Nick S
Haha nice one. Would've been cool to see their reaction..