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GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Sun 20 Nov, 2011 2:13 pm
by jeremy089786
Hi Guys,

I am planning to do a group buy of costco down jackets. These jackets are relatively light and pretty darn cheap (excellent as a first jacket/ projects, or to take into the scrub), however are not available for purchase online (for more info, see the bpl link below). I am planning to buy a bunch and use a flat service, which after buying the poster a down jacket ($30), should put us at around $40 (assuming we buy 8 {cheaper if we buy more}). From here if you are around syd you can pick them up from my place in Newtown, or I can post them for about $11 each. ... d_id=54208

If you are interested, please pm me in the next couple of days with the number of jkts and sizes you are keen for.



Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Tue 22 Nov, 2011 8:38 pm
by Birdie Claws
I'm interested. I live in sydney and go to unsw so i'll be close to your house.

Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Tue 22 Nov, 2011 9:16 pm
by Mountain Rocket
I am also interested - if it is not too late.

PM sent.

Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Sat 26 Nov, 2011 2:14 pm
by jeremy089786
Hi Guys,

Seems like these jackets have suddenly become scarce, but I will do my best to grab a couple for you.



Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Sat 07 Jan, 2012 5:03 pm
by jeremy089786
Hi Guys,

I in the end I was only able to get a couple of jackets from the guy in the states. Since then a bunch of people have offered to post some through at the following link:

These jackets are not bad (not amazing), and I have had very good success at turning them into a down vest (all zippers stripped out - a bit over 150g), down socks/arms and a warm hood.

All the best!


Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Sat 07 Jan, 2012 6:08 pm
by Bluegum Mic
Awww...but I like your ccf vest ;-)

Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Tue 10 Jan, 2012 3:26 am
by mattmacman
:roll: Is it a bit too late to be chiming in? I wouldn't mind a nice cheap down jacket! How much are they now with postage to Perth, or where can I get one? Cheers!

Re: GROUP BUY - DOWN JACKETS (Costco Triple Star)

PostPosted: Tue 10 Jan, 2012 9:45 am
by Mountain Rocket
^ Read the post two above yours ;)