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[Tas Hobart] Give Away: Kathmandu Self-Infl Mat

PostPosted: Thu 15 Mar, 2012 6:09 pm
by DonQx
To give away - Kathmandu self-inflating mat

3.8 cm thick X ~180cm long X ~50cm wide, approx 800g on our kitchen scales, red

Used, some delamination but fully functional.

Left at our place by a motorcycle friend on an around-Oz trip, she was an instant convert to Exped SynMat after seeing ours in action

Pick up in Hobart or can post to anywhere in Oz for $12.

Probably on older version of this current model ...


Re: [Tas Hobart] Give Away: Kathmandu Self-Infl Mat

PostPosted: Thu 15 Mar, 2012 7:10 pm
by Mountain Rocket
I call dibs. (sending PM)