A place to chat about gear and the philosphy of ultralight. Ultralight bushwalking or backpacking focuses on carrying the lightest and simplest kit. There is still a good focus on safety and skill.
Forum rules
Ultralight Bushwalking/backpacking is about more than just gear lists. Ultralight walkers carefully consider gear based on the environment they are entering, the weather forecast, their own skill, other people in the group. Gear and systems are tested and tweaked.
If you are new to this area then welcome - Please remember that although the same ultralight philosophy can be used in all environments that the specific gear and skill required will vary greatly. It is very dangerous to assume that you can just copy someone else's gear list, but you are encouraged to ask questions, learn and start reducing the pack weight and enjoying the freedom that comes.
Common words
Base pack backpacking the mass of the backpack and the gear inside - not including consumables such as food, water and fuel
light backpacking base weight less than 9.1kg
ultralight backpacking base weight less than 4.5kg
super-ultralight backpacking base weight less than 2.3kg
extreme-ultralight backpacking base weight less than 1.4kg
Wed 03 Mar, 2021 1:08 pm
I was recommended an EXPED over others of the same ilk, by someone so wondered.....
anyone using the Exped PLUS or....the standard EXPED FLEXMAT models?
Is the EXPED PLUS model really PLUS comfort for the extra bulk? That thing is so chumpy I could carve it!
Also, how is the EXPED standard FLEXMAT treating users?
There's surprisingly little feedback on these models. Any feedback on either EXPED model?
Not after feedback on the other brands just the EXPED if you have any. They look all right.
Thu 04 Mar, 2021 7:22 am
I have used the Flex Mat Plus quite a bit since October last year.
I don't think it offers anything that the Switchback or Zlite don't. The large dimples compress quite quickly which was disappointing. I didn't find it warmer or colder than other options and comfort was about the same. The bulk was about the same as my Zlite.
I think all these mats are so similar it really just comes down to whatever is on sale or what colour you like.
A boring response, I know
Thu 04 Mar, 2021 8:35 am
Excellent ta.
Zapruda wrote: I have used the Flex Mat Plus quite a bit since October last year.
I don't think it offers anything that the Switchback or Zlite don't. The large dimples compress quite quickly which was disappointing.
That was what I understood from a couple of people. Some said it was lasting-but I was dubious given others reports I'd heard.
Zapruda wrote:I think all these mats are so similar it really just comes down to whatever is on sale or what colour you like.
Yep, the Exped flex mat standard is the one I'm most interested in- small, thin and light-but might work........and cheapish-hence my 'tighter than a Murray Cod's Khyber Pass'

Do you know anyone used the standard Flexmat by any chance?
Zapruda wrote:A boring response, I know

Not at all, just what I was after.
Onya boyo.
Thu 04 Mar, 2021 2:58 pm
You could always try said mat and then on sell to me if you don't like it? It could be my permanent in-laws sleeping set up, I am taking one of the switchbacks with me everywhere at the moment, have now spent in excess of 30 nights on CCF

Does that help the ol khyber pass tightness?
Thu 04 Mar, 2021 3:32 pm
Ms_Mudd wrote:It could be my permanent in-laws sleeping set up,
That'll ensure the in-laws visit often.
Ms_Mudd wrote:I am taking one of the switchbacks with me everywhere at the moment
I like the idea of the Switchy but it's heavier and bulkier and was a bit more exy, I never sleep well anyway. So I'm thinking -what the hell.
Last edited by
Lamont on Thu 04 Mar, 2021 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thu 04 Mar, 2021 3:33 pm
I like my inlaws. That's why a Flexmat Plus is the least I can do to show my love

Kidding, I meant for when I sleep at their house, they live close to my work.
Wed 10 Mar, 2021 12:45 pm
Flexmat Orange Colour= super lightweight, however for me, is concrete-like to sleep on. Will use in Winter mat stacking adventures though.
Wed 10 Mar, 2021 1:26 pm
Damn. Thanks for the feedback.

- Maybe you're just not sleeping right.
Wed 17 Mar, 2021 10:50 am
Maybe I wasn't sleeping right?
With the GG Thinlight over the top, I slept comfortably the night before last. Adding the thinlight adds about 74g, for a total of 243g on my scales. I could of course make the thinlight shorter to match the shoulder to knees length of the Exped Flexmat, but I would prefer not to as the Thinlight is more use to me longer.
Goin to try it in the wild tonight. It has gone a bit chilly here, so will be keen to see how warm it is. I am taking my lightest bag, rated to 12C.
Edited to add: Oooo and the Thinlight AND Flexmat fit inside my 40lt pack, with some room to spare, to be fair, it is a summer/early autumn set up, but still....
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