Franco wrote: Eventualy Henry came up with the PitchLoc corner (his name for it...) that gave the Scarp the structual integrity it has.Not to put a fine point but the idea was to get something that worked better than the single strut the Hilleberg Akto uses. ( you can put a LOT mor tension on the PitchLoc than on the Akto type and pull more than one panel in tension at the same time.
Interesting background, thanks Franco.
Having owned both a Scarp and an Akto, I agree wholeheartedly. The Scarp is one of the easiest tents to pitch well. In really foul weather, I've felt very secure with the beefier materials of the Akto. But as the Scarp pitches more tautly, it's probably nearly as good. Less stress on the said materials, because there's no flapping. My Scarp did endure 36 hours of intense pummeling at High Moor once. It held up just fine, except for a little tear in one of the top corners that superglue took care of.
If Henry does a Scarp 1 in DCF, I'll be selling my Notch Li in a heartbeat. Might have to sell it anyway, as I still haven't mastered it, nor see how it's possible to get any use out of the vestibules in wet windy conditions. But I digress. (Let me know if you're coming to Tassie, Franco. I'd really like to see how it's done in person!) I would have bought another Scarp 1 when the floor died if it hadn't been enlarged (unnecessarily for me), adding to the weight.