heres an example of docs avalanche advisory for sept last year ... kepler.pdfClinton: Valley:
High Avalanche danger- (from Six Mile to Mintaro Hut)
The avalanche start zones have reached threshold. The track is buried by avalanche debris. New snow over last week has loaded the upper slopes. This snow hasn’t been bonding well to the existing snow pack.
Mackinnon Pass:
High Avalanche danger –(from Mintaro hut to Quintin Lodge including the emergency track)
This section is buried under at least a metre of snow and deeper where avalanches have crossed the track. Glide cracks are opening up and can release snow at any time. It is impossible to avoid the avalanche danger on this section of track at present, especially on the Clinton side of the Mackinnon pass.
Arthur Valley:
Moderate Avalanche danger –(from Quintin Lodge to Sandfly point)
Upper avalanche start zones have reached threshold. Walkers are advised not to linger under main avalanche paths from Steep Hill to Coby.
Avalanche paths aren’t sign posted on the section of track. People are advised to learn paths before walking.
Sutherland Falls Track:
High Avalanche danger -People are advised not to linger under Rain Gauge avalanche path.
Avalanche danger will remain steady or increase due to new snow and rain