on the routeburn at certain times of year they will advise not to proceed or that you must take a helicopter to get past certain areas....
liability is the operative words.
cave creek and the death of an israeli on the routeburn have cast a long shadow, the israeli's parents brought a prosecution against doc , they werent successful, but doc staff are gien strict information on what they have to tell you they can't deviate from the official line and they are banned on giving advice on tracks not maintained by doc, as the israeli had strayed off the routeburn and the prosecution revolved around the elief that a doc ranger had given advise about taking a shortcut and that the israeli had followed the alleged advice, although the existence of the shortcut track may have been in the prosecutions imagination
and they were looking for some reason as to why the tramper strayed.
so the times they will give you are usually the worst case scenario but the sign times can still in some cases be on the optimistic side.
you can tell the doc staff you are experienced and see if you get a more realistic response but thats all you can hope for...
the result is its hard to know what to believe in the advce you are given,
take the routeburn, it says 4.5 hours from routeburn falls to mackenzie hut.
i did it in winds gusting 100km and hour and heavy rain in just over three hours including stopping to take photos and the odd vid., i wasnt going flat out, its 11 and a half k's with about four hundred metres of climbing. there would ahve to be a fair bit of snow before i'd take four and a half hours.
so how do you plan your trips? find people who've done it who are similar fitness to you...
but look at the cascade saddle,
http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recrea ... scription/ doc start out by saying it's for experienced trampers only, and it says an eight to ten hour day. and that is a fair estimate for a reasonably fit exerienced tramper. so they have used the statement "experienced tramper" to use a totally different interpretation of walking times
i did it at a reasonable pace, took me eight and a half and i stopped a total of half an hour. plenty of people will be taking up to twelve hours or more to complete it, you need reasonable fitness to compete the 1400m climb from matukukiand still have enough stamina left to complete the trip to dart hut, , the top half is pretty steep, its one of the few ti'mes i've been forced to stop on a climb to catch my breath.
and that was in perfect weather. its a very exposed track. i wold have liked to have stopped longer but i wasnt sure how long it would take me and would have run out of daylight if i took too long.
from the land of the long white clouds...