Looking for expressions of interest. 2 or 3 people
Wondering if there is anyone interested in doing a ten dayor eight day guided FIFO trip to the Southern Alps, Exact destination depending on skill and fitness levels.
Suitable for people with no climbing/mountaineering exp. but good to high fitness levels.
Trip focusing on :
- route selection/nav.
- glacier travel
- weather forcasting and analysis
- avalanche awareness
- alpine rock climbing
- crevasse/alpine rescue
- emergency shelters
This is not exacly a cheap exercise, but will be worth it.
$1965 aus dollars pp with four people for a 10 day trip (two day weather contingency)
$2280 aus dollars pp with two people for an eight day trip (1 day weather contingency)
Includes permits, air access, meals/energy food, hut fees, technical equipment, instruction manuals.
Other equipment can be hired, but it's basic and most tasmanians would probably have the majority of it already.
Let me know