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NZ Maps

PostPosted: Fri 07 Dec, 2012 8:17 am
by tom_brennan
It might have already been discussed here, but if you're looking for topo maps for NZ, you can download the individual sheets directly from
in TIFF, GeoTIFF or KMZ (can be overlaid in Google Earth) format

If you want to get the same maps on your phone or tablet (Android), you can use Oruxmaps
a free app for viewing and caching online and offline maps, and MOBAC
a Java program to simplify the collection of tiles from online mapping sources.

I won't go through the detailed steps, but for MOBAC,
- select Atlas type Oruxmaps Sqlite
- select Map source (New Zealand only)
- select all Zoom levels
- if you can't see NZ on your map (you have red crosses), turn on the WGS Grid and scroll to say 39 degrees S, 173 degrees E, since NZ only takes up a small part of the world
- select an area (not too big, keep to 20-30km squares or it will take ages to download), and Add selection
- hit Create Atlas, and MOBAC will create the map
- copy the map to your Oruxmaps folder and away you go

Re: NZ Maps

PostPosted: Fri 07 Dec, 2012 3:43 pm
by michael_p
You can also get maps from here: This is where I got digital copies of topo maps for my recent trip to NZ.

I was using Androzic with very mixed results so I will have to give Oruxmaps a go. Thanks Tom.

Re: NZ Maps

PostPosted: Fri 07 Dec, 2012 4:27 pm
by DaveNoble
And there are sites like -


Re: NZ Maps

PostPosted: Sun 09 Dec, 2012 6:45 pm
by Rob A