it could be completely clear of snow.
it could be covered in it on mackinnon pass. it might be a light dusting of snow, it could be knee deep or waist deep.
it is likely to rain at least one or more days of the trip.. the rain may be in monsoon proportions, it can completely flood sections of the track in deep water and can close the track. the track is like a conveyor belt of people... you cant remain on the track indefinitely waiting for the water to drop if its flooded... depending on where you are on the track if you are behind shcedule. doc may order you back the way you came if you are before mackinnon pass or may helicopter you off the track if that isnt practicable or you are over the pass. they do this so the next lot of peole booked on the track can get off.
although having said that, the first hut is only five k into the track, if you get held up a day, in theory you should still be able to get onto the track and walk the 20 to the next hut where you should still have a secure booking. and in theory if you are two days behind you in theory should still be able to get on the track and walk the 40k in a day to the third hut.. this is for DOC huts, i'm assuming ultimate hikes guided huts are operating similarly, htey have the same no of huts but at differing locations, but you're more fixed with the guided walks to doing what you're told and i doubt they will change the schedule and let you skip huts, the guides will be following the normal schedule...
if there are holdups on the track with people being stopped at huts when you are due to go onto the track, your trip will be cancelled completley with no right to reschedule it... priority goes to the people who are stuck on the track then to the people who are booked to start the track on their alloted day..
go and look at the NZ section of the forums for information on tramping in NZ. which is where this thread should be.
viewforum.php?f=59winter weather is shifting well into spring and even into summer. i've seen snow fall at new years higher up... last year a severe snow storm on mt taranaki at the end of october killed two people from hypothermia and nearly killed several more.
mackinnon pass is a wind tunnel. the climb up could be sheltered but when you hit the top be prepared for the wind to blast you solidly till you at least get back down into the bush.