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Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Wed 01 May, 2019 3:24 pm
by stry
Thinking of this trip for Autumn 2020 and wondering if either direction of travel has any benefits over the other.
Thoughts ?
Thank you.
Re: Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Wed 01 May, 2019 3:32 pm
by wayno
Anti, it splits the climbing up into two days. going clockwise you get the vast majority of climbing in one day and the steepest ascent.
Re: Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Thu 02 May, 2019 5:07 pm
by stry
Thanks Wayno
Re: Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Fri 03 May, 2019 11:26 am
by wayno
the track zig zags on the te anau side and the iris burn end, but for some reason the iris burn zig zag is a lot steeper.. for that reason the recommendation is go anti clockwise and the vast majority of people do.., tends to be people who couldnt get bookings on the right nights in the huts end up going clockwise.
the ridgeline is up and down a lot as it is...
Re: Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 4:05 pm
by Ms_Mudd
Thanks. Info like this is invaluable, this forum has saved my legs more than once from unnecessary additional 'ups n downs'
Re: Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 8:55 pm
by Walk_fat boy_walk
I remember there being a ridiculous number of switchbacks on the iris burn side? Something close to a hundred??
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Re: Kepler Track - Clockwise, or anti clockwise ?
Thu 25 Jul, 2019 4:17 pm
by LachlanB
Walk_fat boy_walk wrote:I remember there being a ridiculous number of switchbacks on the iris burn side? Something close to a hundred??
I remember the hut warden telling me what number stoat trap tag was at the bottom. So of course, I started counting...