Anyone filing an on line intentions expecting there to be a record with someone like DOCs or search and rescue has been sadly mislead."
This is the main part of the controversy, I think. I'm perfectly good with DoC not taking responsibility for people's personal safety. I don't think it should, and in the past it only ever has acted semi-responsible in a minority of very selected areas that tend to be tourist-heavy. My only real issue is how the change from the old ad-hoc system that has existed in some places has been implemented. (This is me as a kiwi presently living in Victoria, anyway.)
AdventureSmart is
meant to be guiding people into providing the most useful information for their own contact, but I don't think it's very clear about that. Similarly is an awesome tool for aiding group trip planning, thrown together by some independent members of the NZ Mountain Safety Council, but the confusion from AdventureSmart just spreads to it when people are officially sent there with an impression that it'll magically solve all their safety problems for them simply by entering details of their plans and clicking Submit. I'd be much happier if DoC had consulted more properly, had a longer switch-over time, and arranged for a proper service provider to optionally act as a real emergency contact for visitors who simply don't have someone they could trust, even if the service charged a nominal fee.