- Looking down the Caples Valley
Hi Don-vic - what a lovely dilemma to have! Neither should disappoint you, but if I had to choose I would probably go for the Caples. The Greenstone is easier (pretty much all downhill from McKellar Hut). It's a broad river valley, with some lovely beech forest, plus large tracts of farmland, a few terraces and some narrow pinches/gorges. Most of the way you're beside the fast-flowing blue/green river, and surrounded by high mountains. The Caples is slightly harder (esp. the climb up to McKellar Saddle - seriously steep
). But the Saddle, in the right weather, is a stunning place to spend an hour or two. The Caples Valley is a bit more enclosed and varied, but still with plenty of mountain views and river flats between beautiful tracts of beech forest.
Personally I'd look at the weather before deciding. If it's going to be fine-ish, go via McKellar Saddle & the Caples. If claggy or wet, take the Greenstone.
I've posted some photos of both tracks on my photobucket site
http://s1085.photobucket.com/albums/j433/auntyscuttle/South%20Island%20NZ%20-%20March%202012/, and I've also posted a longish account of walking up the Caples and down the Greenstone, starting here
http://www.naturescribe.com/2012/03/against-flow.htmlHappy tramping!