From Bushwalking NSW Conservation Officer

Bushwalking NSW is the peak body representing the interests of bushwalkers and their clubs. This is the official public forum for the organisation and a great place to share ideas, help out and discuss concerns.

From Bushwalking NSW Conservation Officer

Postby bushwalkingnsw » Wed 22 Oct, 2014 10:24 pm

Attendance is free, although you have to pay $15 for lunch. Anyone can go.
Calling all bushwalkers! This is your Conservation Captain (conservation officer) speaking. I have an important announcement for you, so listen up!/

The Nature Conservation Council of NSW is an important body that we as bushwalkers and outdoorsy people rely on and look up to for the protection of the wild places we love.

Their annual conference is coming up on the 1st and 2nd of November (Saturday and Sunday). This is a free event that anyone can attend as an observer. You can also become a member to vote on important environment related issues in our State.

Your bushwalking club, as a member club of Bushwalking NSW, is a member of the Nature Conservation Council. As your friendly Bushwalking NSW Conservation Officer, I am inviting you to join my crew to attend this conference and engage in the fight to preserve the bush we know and love.

Yes, we're coming into canyoning season, great weather for swimming in deep pools under waterfalls, and you'd surely like to be out there actually experiencing it. I'm telling you, though, you won't regret spending one or two days in the whole year taking a stand for the future of bushwalking.

To make it a little more fun and vibrant this year, we will have a *dress code* for each day (optional, but encouraged).

*Day 1:* Saturday the first is a *Green (Flora/Chlorophyll)* themed, just to warm up your dressing up skills. Additionally, I will be bringing stickers along, so be prepared you to write down the names of your* favourite flora* for *a game of "celebrity plant heads"* in the breaks.

*Day 2: *Sunday is a bit more ambitious. The theme is *the Red List*. If you aren't familiar with the Red List, it's long name is the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Here is the link:

Your challenge is to find a creature on the Red List to read up on. Throughout Sunday, you will be the expert on that animal or plant. If you have a smart phone, you are allowed to use it took look up answers to hard questions, but try to get as informed as possible.

Dressing up as your chosen Red List member is desirable as there will be *prizes* for the best costumes (group costumes also encouraged) on each day and for the person to guess the greatest number of "celebrity plant heads", and the best researched "Red Lister"(Keith Muir of the Colong Foundation for Wilderness will be our impartial judge).

Anyone can come along, so convince your friends to come along for the day or the weekend. The more, the merrier. They don't have to be a member of your club or any bushwalking club to participate in the competitions either. They are open to the public.

Follow this link to the Annual Conference website to sign up as an observing attendee: ... nferences/

Here's a little more info about the Nature Conservation Council and the conference to help you decide to come along:

The conference will be held in the New Law Building at Sydney University. It includes workshops, keynote speakers, and discussion fora on nature and conservation related themes that you can attend to enrich your understanding of the bush and engage with the outdoors in a new way (through campaigning for its protection and restoration and stuff).

To jog your memory, here is a summary of the Nature Conservation Council's(NCC's) aims:
-to speak out in defence of the natural world
-to mobilise communities to protect the environment
-to deliver real-world solutions to environmental challenges

As walkers, we are perhaps best placed to speak out about the importance of wilderness areas and biodiversity. Damage and threats to wilderness and natural areas has intimate effects on our "raison d'etre", the simple pleasures of outdoor pursuits.

This is a call to stand up for our wild places and inform ourselves about how to preserve them for future generations of bushwalkers and other creatures.

Here is a link to the conference information page. You can sign up for free, but there will be yummy catering for 15$ per person. ... nferences/

In summary, 5 great reasons to come to the NCC conference:

1. It is free

2. There are fun and interesting workshops

3. You can meet interesting people with similar interests

4. There will be yummy lunch food and a social Thai dinner on Saturday evening

5. You get to vote on all the important environment and conservation actions and issues that you think the State needs to be addressing in the coming year. This is particularly topical right now given the State elections are coming up this March./
Bushwalking NSW Inc
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
Posts: 28
Joined: Wed 16 Apr, 2014 10:26 pm
Region: New South Wales

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