Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

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Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Sat 05 Sep, 2015 9:41 am

A large portion of my earlier walks were done wearing joggers. Realistically joggers are fine, but due to the sheer amount of walking I do and the often rugged terrain, I wanted something more. I wanted support for my ankles, shoes that were somewhat water-resistant and shoes that would endure the long, harsh walks I would be using them for. Also, I have a long, skinny foot so would also need a shoe that catered to my feet as well.

I didn't really do a lot of research myself, I just decided that I would go into town and suss out the shops on Kent St, Sydney.

The store assistant at Mountain Designs was attentive and quite helpful and talked me through some of the shoes available.

I tried on a few pairs, including the Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking boots. They were very comfortable and had the features that I wanted so I made the purchase....

Go to my blog Step Into The Wilderness for the rest of the review.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Sat 05 Sep, 2015 7:51 pm

Constructive criticism/feedback welcome (it will assist any future gear reviews I do - I am writing one already) :wink:
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby GPSGuided » Sat 05 Sep, 2015 11:19 pm

Did you check out the shoe version?
Just move it!
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Sun 06 Sep, 2015 8:40 am

GPSGuided wrote:Did you check out the shoe version?

Nah, I was after the extra support for my ankles, so I didn't look too much at the shoes, focussed mainly on the mid boots.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby slparker » Tue 08 Sep, 2015 10:22 am

bigbadwolv wrote:Constructive criticism/feedback welcome (it will assist any future gear reviews I do - I am writing one already) :wink:

i reckon some comments on fit and sizing would be good. i.e whether the boot suits a small or large volume foot, size of heelcup and forefoot, whether the boot can be laced differentially etc.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Tue 08 Sep, 2015 7:53 pm

slparker wrote:
bigbadwolv wrote:Constructive criticism/feedback welcome (it will assist any future gear reviews I do - I am writing one already) :wink:

i reckon some comments on fit and sizing would be good. i.e whether the boot suits a small or large volume foot, size of heelcup and forefoot, whether the boot can be laced differentially etc.

Cheers, I'll have a look at editing it when I get a chance next
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby Strider » Tue 08 Sep, 2015 11:34 pm

Interesting that you have skinny feet. I chose this model (in a shoe) particularly for my wide feet. Especially across the forefoot.

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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby north-north-west » Wed 09 Sep, 2015 9:11 am

Strider wrote:Interesting that you have skinny feet. I chose this model (in a shoe) particularly for my wide feet. Especially across the forefoot.


Still, if you find them comfy, that's all that matters.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby nitro » Wed 09 Sep, 2015 10:12 am

There is also a wide version of these for those with wider feet. I bought the wide MOAB and replaced the inner soles. The original ones are rubbish.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Fri 11 Sep, 2015 8:17 am

north-north-west wrote:
Strider wrote:Interesting that you have skinny feet. I chose this model (in a shoe) particularly for my wide feet. Especially across the forefoot.


Still, if you find them comfy, that's all that matters.

I was as surprised as you when I later read review on them that stated this also.
nitro wrote:There is also a wide version of these for those with wider feet. I bought the wide MOAB and replaced the inner soles. The original ones are rubbish.

After doing a bit more digging I found this too.. Just can't say for certain which pair I have - but I am under the assumption that as they fit my feet, I have the skinny version.

Also Nitro, I am interested that you note the inner soles as being rubbish. Are you able to explain further as I have not as yet experienced this.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby nitro » Wed 16 Sep, 2015 10:13 pm

If you bought them local you would most likely have the regular version. I had the wide sent in from the U.S. My experience with the innersoles was them compressing far too much to the point of being thin pieces of cardboard like material. A set of Sidas innersoles fixed them up for me.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Fri 18 Sep, 2015 8:55 am

nitro wrote:If you bought them local you would most likely have the regular version. I had the wide sent in from the U.S. My experience with the innersoles was them compressing far too much to the point of being thin pieces of cardboard like material. A set of Sidas innersoles fixed them up for me.

Ok sweet, thanks for the info Nitro
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Mon 26 Oct, 2015 2:59 pm

The Link in the OP is now incorrect please use this one

I am unable to edit the OP so this will have to do - unless a mod is happy to update the OP for me :)
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby Watertank » Tue 27 Oct, 2015 6:35 am

JD the Bushwalker, you asked for constructive criticism, here is my two cents worth. I have read your review and read that your review is posted after walking all up about 40kms. That seems to me very little usage to be undertaking before posting a review. It is more than the Amazon type review which starts, "I got these this morning and they seem lovely" which is in my view totally useless but if you want readers to come to your website to read your reviews then I think you need to use the product for longer and in a variety of conditions. This may be difficult for you if you are eager to start the reviewing part of your blog, but if you have been walking for ages you probably have gear that has been well tested. Cheers Watertank.
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Tue 27 Oct, 2015 9:35 am

Thanks watertank, appreciate the honesty. I have been walking for a while, but haven't accumulated much gear at all really - all I ever used was an old school backpack and a pair of sneakers... I do believe that I was quite conservative with my estimation of 40km... After some consideration, it is likely to be a fair bit more than that (up around the 100km mark - I have adjusted the post accordingly).

The other trouble I have is I am currently on the bench due to injury, which is making new content for the site hard to come-by. You may notice that most of the posts are a little historical for that reason. I see the error in judgement I made when releasing the post :) and have now rectified the issue.

In any case I do appreciate the feedback, so thanks again for your honesty. I'll be sure to keep it in mind before I release any further gear reviews.

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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby MarizXW » Thu 29 Oct, 2015 7:59 pm

wow, looks tough and comfortable. any chance I can get this one in offline store?
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Re: Gear Review: Merrell Moab Gore-Tex Mid Hiking Boots

Postby JD The Bushwalker » Fri 30 Oct, 2015 10:40 am

MarizXW wrote:wow, looks tough and comfortable. any chance I can get this one in offline store?

By offline store, I'm assuming you mean a physical store that you can walk into....I know I did here in NSW. Not too sure about Tas though... Might have to leave it to some of the Tas guys on here to answer that.
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