Vargo 450ml Cup and 750ml Mug

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Vargo 450ml Cup and 750ml Mug

Postby bigwallclimber » Tue 30 Jul, 2019 8:43 am

For some time I have been planning on downsizing and undertaking a weight loss program on my cookware and cooking system. I have for many many years used by MSR alpine stove, MSR pocket Rocket and MSR XGK Stoves.

I had a couple of key criteria when I was looking at the parts to the system and they were:
1. Lightweight,
2. Proven to work,
3. Cost (Not a deal breaker),
4. Excellent reviews, and
5. At a minimum the pot must be able to boil water for 1 x dehydrated backpackers pantry 2 serve meal.

Initially I was looking at three key brands, they were Toaks, Evernew and Vargo, for numerous reasons I decided on the Vargo systems as they met all the criteria and the little things mad a difference. Like the fit of the lit on the Toaks 750ml pot, the handles on the Evernew.

The cookware I decided on were the following two items:
1. 2 x Vargo 450ml cup at a weight of 63 grams ... g-450.html , and
2. 1 x Vargo Titanium TI-Lite 750 mug at a weight of 117 grams ... g-750.html

Some people may ask why a 750ml and 450ml cup ? In general I do not cook foods when hiking as I find I have a good food structure and know that dehydrated mals are sufficient for me. We also work on 1 litre and 500ml water bottles that are sufficient for us to fill after boiling water.

How did the weights go as per the specs ? The 450ml cup came in at 62 grams each and the 750ml came in at 113 grams. i was surprised that the weights were under what was specified and a pleasant surprise.


1. They boiled water as I expected,
2. It took 3 min 33 seconds to boil 750ml of water on an MSR Pocket Rocket,
3. Once they were empty they cooled down very rapidly which is great.
4. The 750ml cup (My pot) fits the 100oz MSR gas canister perfectly and believe that it could fit two (I only have one on hand at the moment).


The only negative I have with the gear is the handles do get hot and you need a cloth handy to lift it off the stove. This is standard from what I understand with titanium, I can deal with this as I always carry a little chux cloth in the cook set.


1. Very light,
2. Cost effective,
3. Sits on the MSR pocket rocket well,
4. The carry bags are effective and protect them well enough, and
5. Can be purchased directly off the Vargo website and shipped to your home in Aus.

When you look at the costs of the items on the website, compare to Aus and then pay the shipping it is less than what you would pay here in Australia for a similar item.
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Re: Vargo 450ml Cup and 750ml Mug

Postby crollsurf » Wed 31 Jul, 2019 7:03 pm

Nice writeup bigwall. I've got the same in the Tomshoo offering which you pickup on eBay for a little less money. Not a whole lot less.

The 450 I take for a couple days UL. I can fit my metho stove, windshield, foldable spork and cloth inside the pot. Nice little setup.

The 750 I take if I'm in a bushcraft mood because I can hang it over a fire.

Never actually paired them together but I can see that would work well having a cuppa or a soup while mains are heating up in 750.

My luxury setup is the GSI Pinnacle Soloist which I use for longer walks. Mainly like it because the bag it comes in doubles as a kitchen sink which is super handy and helps with hygiene.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
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