So Cecile and I just bought a slightly stronger tent for possible extended stays at place such as Uluru.
We joined forces to buy a Black Wolf Tuff-Dome Twin on clearance.
No major criticisms because we only paid $500-
However this tent suffers from the same problem most tents sold in Australia have.
Firstly he poles are only just strong enough to support the tent under "normal" conditions with no reserve at all.
Secondly there is no provision for a sheltered area at the entrance where you can take off wet gear in winter.
Now I know that most people won't camp in winter but the outer fabric of this tent combined with the adequate tie down points means it could easily be a winter tent.
Thirdly the carry bag is far too small, it is just big enough to take the factory vacuum packed and tightly rolled tent.
Point one may be managed by taking along spare parts and a decent repair kit but no such spare parts are included in the sale package, also if I was to utilise this above the snowline I would invest in real tent pole sections from Easton via TPT.
Point 2 is a known issue at BlackWolf and will not be addressed because they make and sell dome shelters to cover this point
Point 3 is going to be fixed by adding some webbing and SR buckle to make a compression system. Partly because I believe in stuffing tents not rolling them.
And finally this version of the tent has no fabric cover over the mush screens on the end sections, not an issue with a summer tent.
I called BW customer service and talked to a person there and raised some of these issues and a few additional emails have been exchanged
The new version of this tent has addressed the window issue and complaints about weak poles have meant a partial redesign and the use of large steel poles.
Personally I would not use a tent with steel poles simply because of the weight issue. BW do not believe the carry bag is too small but they do say it is sized to take a tightly rolled tent. A difference in philosophy perhaps?
All in all I am happy enough at the price point.
It does need a large flat space in which to pitch effectively, it is over 4 metres long and also is just over 4 metres deep at the alcove entry
All stitching is good, even stitch length and very few over runs and loose threads.
I would not have paid full retail but at the usual sale price of 30% off I though the price was reasonable, at $500- I think it is a good enough buy
- Attachments

- Big tent
- IMG_1145.JPG (182.46 KiB) Viewed 31067 times

- IMG_1146.JPG (149.21 KiB) Viewed 31067 times