Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

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Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

Postby Eljimberino » Sun 02 Apr, 2017 10:55 am

Hi everyone,

Thought I would share my review of A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.

Please click this link: ... on-review/

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Re: Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

Postby Nuts » Mon 03 Apr, 2017 5:45 pm

hmm, I should read this one again after that.. perhaps not :)
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Re: Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

Postby digbyg » Sun 09 Jul, 2017 7:10 pm

I read walk in the woods both before and after completing the AT. Before doing the hike, I felt that Bryson just gave a humorous account of his own bumbling approach to the hike and the people, his sarcasm often misapplied and rude. That is the style that has served him well in many other books, and he deliberately offends the locals as much as he entertains them.
After the hike I was amazed at how well he had encapsulated the feelings of the through hiker despite his own short term involvement. He saw the trivial things, like condensation trickling down the fridge door, that entranced through hikers because of the novelty and the attached meaning, in that case, an energy kick from a soda. It is certainly not an intellectual study of hiking, and he never intended to do the whole thing, but he certainly nailed many of my memories.
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Re: Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 07 Aug, 2017 6:55 pm

I loved the book, but then I have liked Bill Brysons style since forever
In my mind I always saw Danny De-Vito in the main roll
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Re: Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

Postby Franco » Thu 19 Oct, 2017 5:42 pm

Mr Bryson has a good mix of British humour (that Americans generally don't get), and first hand knowledge of US customs and idiosyncrasies so I like his work but many don't get what it is all about.
He has also written several serious books about science and the English language in particular.
I have read most of them.
There is a good chance that I did spot him having coffee in Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, a few days in a row and regret not having bothered to check.
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Re: Bryson - A Walk in the Woods review

Postby Orion » Fri 20 Oct, 2017 5:56 am

Franco wrote:Mr Bryson has a good mix of British humour (that Americans generally don't get)...

Do you have a good example or two?
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