Salomon Quest Prime GTX Boots

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This is a place to share fair and systematic reviews of gear. Share the good, bad and ugly as well as including how you tested it and reviewed the gear. This is not the place to carry on about a bit of gear that failed, sometimes good gear has a lemon - this is more about systematic reviews. Although this can be a way to help gear manufactures with feedback, this is not the place to hassle them or ask for money back.

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[tag]Brand, product, RRP in AUD. The tags have two parts the type of gear and type of testing/review. eg
[Sleeping bag | Unboxing] Kmart Summit Hooded $29
[Stove | Field test]Jetboil, flash $150

Suggested review types. Unboxing, field test, 1 year on, stress test, teardown.
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Salomon Quest Prime GTX Boots

Postby Hughmac » Sun 04 Jul, 2021 7:19 pm

Purchased these recently as I was due for a new pair of boots, and planning to do Green Gully in Oxley Wild Rivers NP. Needed to buy half a size larger than my usual shoe size. I have an EE foot, and these shoes fitted my foot like a glove. I wore them to work twice before putting them to the test with a couple of 20km walks including 400m ascents/descents. Had a sore second toe on one foot, and a sore spot on the bony joint halfway along the outside of the other foot after the first walk. Both of these were apparent, but much less so after the second walk. Had no hot spots or blisters after either walk. Have now completed Green Gully which is 65km over 4 days, with around 1,000m descent on day 2, and a similar ascent on day 4. Carried a 20kg pack (inc half my wife's gear), and the boots were faultless - no blisters or bruised toes. The grip on them also proved excellent. I really am thoroughly impressed, and would happily recommend them to anyone looking for a good pair of hiking boots. I would certainly be happy to buy another pair when I wear them out, assuming they still exist. RRP is supposed to be around $300.00, but I paid $209.00, which seems to be the going rate for them. The only thing I would note is that the laces have a propensity to come undone unless they are double knotted - not a big deal, but annoying when it happens.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Posts: 156
Joined: Sat 14 Apr, 2012 9:20 pm
Region: New South Wales

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