Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

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Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Ms_Mudd » Mon 18 Mar, 2019 8:37 pm

Have had it since June last year. I have taken it out most months for 1-3 nights since then. Purchased on Aliexpress for $143.20.

Didn't expect to use it very much. More of a purchase for if one of my younger kids came out with me, but have found that I actually really like it and often elect to take it out just for myself.

It was easy enough to pitch from the first go, I am not great at any sort of technical tent pitching, so was pleased I could get a reasonable set up with my (lack of) skill level. I did cut the guys that go from the peak and also the doors, as they shared a point to peg out. I found pegging them together made for a suboptimal placement for either the doors or the walking pole guy. Recently I retied them together as I nearly left the door bit of cord behind in poor light as it is only short. After doing this, the next pitch just didn't work out for me and I cracked the poos and went back to the way I had been doing it, keeping them seperate. It does mean an extra peg each side, but worth it for a better pitch I think.

The inner clears the outer tent by a good margin, the dual vestibule areas are large. I set the poles at 125cm, but if the weather is poor, setting at 120cm is much better as the outer tent pitches lower to the ground. The mesh inner provides good ventilation. I have considered buying the solid inner too as it is only around $60 incl. postage.

I seamsealed the two guy out points on each end of the tent myself, other than those two points the tent seams were perfectly done. The floor feels thinnish but has held up just using a cheap foil space blanket as a groundsheet.

With my groundsheet, 10 titanium shepherd hook pegs . entire tent and supplies stuff sack, the total weight is 1253g

All in all a pretty sound purchase for the price.
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby kymboy » Tue 19 Mar, 2019 7:10 am

Looks like it works well for one person. How squeezy would it be for two? And what are the internal floor dimensions?
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Ms_Mudd » Tue 19 Mar, 2019 7:56 am

I think that the Lanshan has been updated since my purchase and is now a bit wider.
My pad is a full 65cm wide and I can fit it and a regular sized pad, just. So it would be about 115cm in the incarnation of my tent. Internally it is 230cm long. The middle height inside is 120cm. Enough to sit up in comfortably.

I am only 162cm tall, so there is no way my face or feet are near either end of the tent or the inner mesh. Taller people, perhaps so.
I have only shared it with a similarly tall person, my 11yo daughter. It was adequate as although she is as tall as me she is tiny and I didn't mind a snuggle from her. I have had my 22yo son lie in there with me in rain when he forgot his own tent poles and that would have been plain weird to need to sleep that close to him all night. So yes, you could share it with two people...but you would want to be REALLY comfortable in each others space :lol:
In a pinch it would do, but I always think for comfort, get an extra 'person' tent than what you need if you are going to be in it regularly.
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Lamont » Tue 19 Mar, 2019 4:54 pm

Thanks for taking the time to do this Muddy.
On a relevant note the venerable R.Nisley rated the 3FUL kilt which I reviewed some time back as having the highest rated fabric for Waterproofness (is that a word?) in any test he had done on this type of material. I believe it's likely this Lanshan is made from the same material.
If correct this makes the Lanshan an even better buy (you can still get it via http://www.frugalhiker link last I looked).
It gets a lot of love on the redditUL and in the UK.
It's good to have an Ozzie view!
And it is the perfect two person tent.
As you sit cheek to cheek staring into each others eyes longingly, playing Uno, sipping your grappa, your partner can't see you stealing their drink/changing the cards-perfect!
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby johnrs » Wed 20 Mar, 2019 4:11 pm

Hi again MM
How do you think the Lanshan 2 would handle a good breeze?
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Ms_Mudd » Wed 20 Mar, 2019 7:07 pm

I am not skilled enough to multiquote, so here is my 'manual' attempt

Lamont, yes, the fabric just shakes dry and seems crazy waterproof. I recently purchased a really ugly 3f UL poncho, after some success with a (heavier) poncho and guyline around my waist in all day rain in January. I hope it is the same material as the tent and indeed your kilt, but suspect from the description it is not. I will be declaring 'Jack McSporran' if it is :lol:
Remind me never to share a tent with you, I like to win at cards too much!
So yes, it is a serviceable 2p, if on good terms with your tentmate and/or wanting to steal their booze and cheat at cards.

Hi johnrs, I have had it in coastal gusty winds, although not sure of the numerical ferocity of same. It held up just fine, however, I will say I think my separation of the peak/door guy outs probably helped as it allowed me to angle out the peak a whole lot more than is possible when it is connected to the doors. I lowered it to 120cm as I thought that would help the wind factor and make the interior less breezy, but I actually got the tauter pitch with the poles at 125cm, so I ran with that. You wouldn't want it to be windy AND dusty as you would be crumbed like a schnitzel. I think the solid inner would be of benefit if in a situation like that.
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Lamont » Thu 21 Mar, 2019 2:06 pm

'Lamont, yes, the fabric just shakes dry and seems crazy waterproof. I recently purchased a really ugly 3f UL poncho, after some success with a (heavier) poncho and guyline around my waist in all day rain in January. I hope it is the same material as the tent and indeed your kilt, but suspect from the description it is not. I will be declaring 'Jack McSporran' if it is :lol: ... rc=aw.ds''

Nisely's testing was on the 3FUL whitish grey (kilt) but I don't see why the multicolured 3FUL stuff might not be the same or at least very good quality.

'... I like to win at cards too much! So yes, it is a serviceable 2p, if on good terms with your tentmate and/or wanting to steal their booze and cheat at cards. :D

In the words of the great philosopher Al (from Happy Days) yeah,yeah,yeah.
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Ms_Mudd » Mon 20 Jul, 2020 7:40 pm

Hmm must say, I never regret selling things on and usually have considered it well. I have sellers regret on this one though.

I have a 3ful Pyramid (2-3 person) enroute from China right now to use with my kids, wonder if I will still have Lanshan 2 gap in my shed though? Mad to buy another? :roll: :lol:
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Re: Review: 3f UL Lanshan 2p

Postby Dexter » Wed 13 Oct, 2021 4:08 pm

I know i'm bringing up an old thread, but did you end up grabbing another one Ms Mudd? I'm kind of tempted to try the 'Pro' version even though I don't need another tent. ... 3064%22%7D
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